UPDATED: 12/8/2021 - Refined view in italic
Today I have three great videos that summarizes the effect of Quantitative Easing.
First is from the YouTuber Bond King, what is QE, and what they are doing in the marketplace.
Many think QE is 'money printing', in effect like a banana republic just printing money and injecting it into the economy. The first question I have, how can the Federal Reserve "give" money it creates out of thin air into the monetary system? There is no method it can do so currently. (I suspect it will eventually with a crypto dollar issued by the Fed, but that's years off.)
What it is doing is "swapping assets", specifically swapping out US bonds with Federal Reserve Assets. The reasoning is to try to suppress interest rates and strengthen the dollar. Lets take a look at bond rates and dollar valuation since 2009 to see if this is indeed the result. US Bond Rates are down and dollar is up. This supports it isn't going Banana republic and printing money like Weimar republic. (If you believe different, please add in comments the rational and data to support!)
The Video that explains the mechanics of QE is below, interestingly this video says the fed gives an impression to suppress bond rates, but he doesn't say it is actually effective. After this video, below is another that shows the fed doesn't actually suppress bond rates, but gives an illusion it does.
If the fed is able to suppress bond rates, then market signals cannot be trusted. Historically the financial system uses bond rates to indicate risk on-risk off in investments. My personal belief is QE helps stabilize rates by reducing the potential volatility of bond selling, but the actual rates are in fact reflective of what the market is willing to support. It reduces volatility by putting the asset in control of the Federal reserve, out of the hands of institutions that could someday in the future engage in mass selling of federal bonds. By becoming the 'buyer of last resort' for federal bonds, they can prevent a meltdown of US bonds, and therefore a collapse of USD valuation in the future.
What this does do is help banks with confidence in lending, and this is a market psychology rather than 'free money'. Banks can at will create millions if not billions of dollars with no reserves, they are the TRUE creators of money/debt/credit out of 'thin air' And unless banks lend, there is no money growth.
The video that walks through how QE has NOT rigged the bond market rates.
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