Then I spotted the result of todays action in graph form, seen at end of this post.
Then Gary of the Smart Money tracker expects a pullback and reload later.
I am now nervous. I'll dump a chunk of NON-CORE positions, but keep core positions on the open.
Of course, I expect tomorrow to be a disaster, hence the title "day late, dollar lost".
I am keeping AVL, but lightening up on SLW, SLV, GDX, GDXJ, etc. Keeping core position across miners.
I am a buyer of MGMXG tomorrow, a pink sheet traded company. It is a Canadian company and a provider of thermal energy, and through an acquisition branching out to hydro. This is a 5 to 20 year buy and hold. (Current price 1.16)
oh well, ...hopefully there is one more pump I can get as I dump. Good luck.
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