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Financial news I consider important, with my opinion, which is worth as much as you paid for it.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Kicking the can on inflation

I recently wrote about rising interest rates ahead, with unpredictable results on world currencies.
People may start to run to variety of wealth preservation schemes as the USD valuation starts to come under assault.   One of those stops will be precious metals / hard assets but this won't last.
The final end game has to be a new paradigm as technology has broken everything else in the wealth storage game.  Some sort of crypto type thing will be the answer, in my 2011 post "Ideal form of Money - Power to the People."

The question is however, why will there be inflation?  We are producing more than ever, at a lower cost, and people simply do not have the disposable income they did 40 years ago.

So if we are under-employed, with lower disposable income, inflation should be impossible!

One of the slight of hands in economic classes is they use 1 word to describe an effect (inflation) and simplify the root cause as one thing.

What we have seen the last 20 years is a variety of efforts to kick the can in rising costs on natural resources.  If we took on renewable energies aggressively, what I am about to describe would be much less of an issue.  However, USA thinks pressing on with solid fuels is the answer, and we will have to learn the hard way.

I wrote previously about peak oil, and how it was real.......until fracking emerged as acceptable.  Fracking did in fact kick that can, NICELY!   But the long term low-cost viability on fracking over a decade is much worse than traditional oil drilling.  The net means we will run through the 'cheap and plentiful' fracking sites quickly.  Once we exhaust the can-kicking option fracking will enable oil to get more expensive per barrel.

More expensive oil will force all costs to rise, and some cost (like shipping) could really accelerate those costs.  But fear not! Before fracking we dreamed up Ethanol as a way to kick the can!  What this gimmick did is set a floor for ALL FOOD must cost MORE than the profit of selling Ethanol as a fuel source.   Which means when oil prices rise, we will plant more Corn to make Ethanol, which will cause other crops to become more expensive as they must be equally profitable as Ethanol!

Unfortunately, in 2018 we are about to unleash yet another reason to force food prices to soar.  Marijuana is threatening to become legal.  Once it does, USA farmers will have yet another crop that maybe more profitable than food, Marijuana.   So food prices must be equal to profit of Ethanol and Marijuana.

Technology is advancing with vertical farming, but that in itself is more expensive than farming.  The good news is it will help put a ceiling (but lagged) on food prices.

Americans will see accelerated costs in food, energy, debt payments (interest rates), and falling house equity.
If only we could have seen this coming back in 2008 financial crisis, the world could have avoided these energy shell games.
Time to get this party started!

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